Us Contact us any time with questions and concerns about the custom paper boxes, like printed paper box, E flute corrugated box, custom paper bag, corrugated printed box, rigid paper box, gift paper box, as well as the printing service of manuals, boolets, calendars. We will try our best to provide you the best quality products and good service that we can.
Write Us an Email Preferred Email is preferred if you would like us to quote you a price of our custom paper box, because you can organize your thoughts in the email and illustrate your idea with the pictures. Also you can give us the artwork in the attachment. Then everything will be black and white in case of any future mistakes. When you write us an email for a price quote, please give us as more details as possible. Then we can better understand your needs and give you an accurate price quote. For any questions about the sales and design, please contact us at, We will give you an instant reply once they get your emails.
Visit Us Our Factory Address is : NO.68,Siming Industrial Park,Meixi Road,Tongan District,Xiamen ,Fujian,China Post Code: 361006 Address:Floor 1, Plant 9#, Xinlongxiang Industrial Park, Xiangbei Industrial Zone, Xiang'an District, Xiamen City, Fujian Prov,China